Notes on Heros…

Hero {he·​ro} a person who is admired for their courage, outstanding achievements, or noble qualities.

They say never meet your heroes. I say meet your heroes but remember that they are human. Perfect as much as they are imperfect. Knowledgeable in spaces as they are unfamiliar with others.  

I wonder if the better advice is to marvel at the work of many and practice things of those you admire most.

I took notes and added my ‘Ghetto-ness’ cause I believe it's ‘God-es-ness.’  

I took notes and added my hymn. Maybe the ancestors are waiting for me to sing triumphantly on a vibe.

I found my voice. 

I found my gift. 

To give back while I’m given.

To build wide as I build deep.

To lend an ear and create space. 

Perhaps, I am Hero.

Perfect as much as I’m imperfect. Knowledgeable in spaces and unfamiliar with others.  


Moving the needle or leaning heavily on the perception?


A student to a Culture Scholar